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Break up hiatus: achievement unlocked. Heartbreak Radio, Dcon, movie trailer wrap up, The Walking Dead, and Bill Cosby ruining our collective childhoods one rape allegation at a time. (Also, we kinda wanted this episode to be titled “Don’t Douche” but iTunes didn’t like that.) 

Recorded 12.5.14

Ritzy guested on LA’s Heartbreak Radio. You gotta listen, it’s amazing. Do not be surprised: there is Morrissey.
She also hit the ever-awesome Dcon here in LA. Next year: a Nerd Out booth!
Ritzy’s DIY Cleaning Pinterest board. But not for your hooha. That shit is just fine as-is, ladies.
Check out Vice’s Munchies food video channel.
Trailers: Star Wars, Star Wars a la Wes AndersonJurassic Park, Pan.