Recorded 8.24.12

In which your hostesses marvel at the Avril + Nickelback wackness, give and receive gifts,  diss remakes, love books, and offer some movie-going tips for their fellow Angelenos. 


Loverly Image above by Luke Chueh
CELEBRITY CELEBRITY! “Celebs” playing the game Celebrity. Nathan Fillion (aka Lisa’s future husband), Katee Sackhoff (aka Lisa’s future wife [in a few states]) Sarah Silverman, Michael Trucco, Michael Ian Black, Busy Phillips, Josh Homme (gem of a ging) and tons more: T.I. flew solo and washed her pits/wore something low cut. Update next Ep.
Amazon Prime is our new addiction.
T.I. participated in Reddit’s Secret Santa/Arbitrary Day…and was matched with a badass gift giver (finally). Liltrixxy rocks!
Arclight Cinemas, Nerding Out cinema of choice.
Red Dawn 2013: yea or nay?
Late to the Carly Jepson party? Don’t worry. Here’s Fallon’s version.
Kevin Smith’s new book went old school on this vs. Audio Book
We’re fussy about art books, but highly recommend Luke Chueh’s new one. He’s one of our faves.
To read: Dresden FilesMartian Chronicles. You can rent Bradbury’s house in Palm Springs! It’s gorgeous.
ZOMBIE PROM!  Some of the most amazing zombie pix we’ve seen lately.