
SDCC countdown, baked goods, Lex Luthor, Grammys: good & bad, screener time, RIP Ya Heard Show.

Recorded 1.31.14

All this clean livin’ has Lisa jonesing for DONUT FRIEND. (Come on, don’t you want to stuff them all in your face?!) Salutations to our fellow music biz refugees!
#SDCC badge: it’s done been gotten. You going?
Jesse Eisenberg is Lex Luthor?! Was Michael Cera busy that month?
CRUSH BEAT: our dear Tom Hiddleston originally auditioned for the role Thor, and it’s half SNL skit/half cramazing/half sorta hot. (FYI, Hiddleston is 6’2″ and Hemsworth is 6’3″. Now we know.)
It’s an annual holiday in LA: SCREENER TIME! Ritzy is all caught up on her movies, what have you been watching?
Lisa attended the Grammy Merit Awards Ceremony and was in the same room as a Beatle. The whole thing was pretty cool. Check out the highlights. 
The Walking Dead returns! And man, does Rick looks rough.


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